Insights and tips on how to protect your athletes and teams.

Ward, Hayden
/ Categories: CBIZ BP Sports Blog

Avoid Insurance Headaches When Dealing with Student-Athlete Concussions

Soccor concussion

We all know that concussions can have serious effects on the brain. They are among the most common athlete injuries, with one to three million incidents happening every single year. Are your teams prepared if a concussion happens — financially and physically?

Concussion Symptoms

To understand what causes a concussion, we first must understand a little bit about the brain. The brain is suspended, floating in spinal fluid inside the skull. When the head is moved rapidly — either due to blunt force or a sudden whiplash-type of motion — the brain can slam against the inside of the skull. When it does, the trauma will often tear blood vessels and injure nerves — resulting in what we commonly call a “concussion.”

Coaches, officials and staff need to watch for the following symptoms:

  • Dazed or stunned demeanor
  • Clumsy movement
  • Forgetting the score, position, assignment or other information
  • Answering questions slowly
  • Loss of consciousness, even if brief
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
  • Nausea or vomiting

Unfortunately, many who are suffering from concussion symptoms will not report them. In some cases, it’s the confusion brought on by the concussion itself that renders the injured athlete unable to articulate the problem. Other times, athletes might be reluctant to report their symptoms for fear of being sidelined.

Suspected Concussion: What to Do

Proper medical evaluation in the event of a concussion is essential. If a player has lost consciousness while on the playing field, immediately stop play and seek medical attention. If the injury didn’t result in a loss of consciousness, but you suspect they have suffered a concussion, remove them from the field of play and seek immediate medical attention.


Each injury is different, so it’s essential that you follow the doctor’s recommended course of action. The good news is that most concussions are mild and a majority of student-athletes who suffer from them can expect to make a full recovery.

Student-athletes who had a pre-season cognitive test such as ImPACT may need to receive a follow-up test to assess their current condition and be provided with a new treatment plan.

Headache Free with CBIZ Borden Perlman Sports

Through The Coalition, in partnership with Pan-American Life Insurance Company, CBIZ Borden Perlman Sports will cover a Concussion Benefit(s) on behalf of the Concussed Insured, if the Insured cannot travel back with his/her team due to the Concussion. Concussion Benefit(s) include the customary expenses for food, clothing, personal hygiene and shelter.

In addition, we will also cover post-incident crisis counseling. Counseling can be provided to an Insured; an Insured’s Immediate Family Member; or an Insured Fellow Participant in response to a Critical Incident. Counseling can come into play if:

  • The Insured is a member of the same sports team and was participating in the same activity and at the same time another Insured lost their life.
  • An Insured requires trauma counseling after a Critical Incident, during which he or she witnesses an unforeseen, distressing event.

If one of your student-athletes endures a concussion, you will need to be able to quickly make decisions about treatment and care plans. With the NCAA offering 2 years of post-eligibility injury insurance coverage beginning in 2024 to all athletes, it’s best to handle concussion injuries head-on and immediately, before they spiral into larger issues later.

We are here to provide you and your teams with ongoing support throughout life and on the field. It’s crucial to purchase coverage that doesn’t exclude concussions or other head traumas. To learn more about how CBIZ Borden Perlman Sports can protect your teams, connect with us today.

This blog may contain scenarios that are provided as examples only. In an actual claim situation, coverage is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy issued. The information provided is general in nature and may be affected by changes in law or the interpretation of such laws. The reader is advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information.

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CBIZ Borden Perlman Sports, a division of CBIZ Insurance Services, Inc., is one of the largest insurers of collegiate athletic programs in the United States. As part of an $850 million New York Stock Exchange-traded company (CBZ), we developed a program to meet the needs for those in the athletic sports industry. We have been in the intercollegiate sports industry since 1990.

The CBIZ Borden Perlman Sports team knows insurance, specifically the risks and exposures related to intercollegiate insurance. With hands-on, personal customer service, we guarantee swift communication and a claims team that is ready to respond to your needs. As specialists in the industry, we leverage our knowledge and passion to ensure your teams are superiorly protected.